Resting Beauty

Resting Beauty
Be at peace with your inner self.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Where is the New Thing in Medicine Going to Come From?

    The list of new technology on the horizon is really staggering.  i will list a few and some of the smaller cos that are doing amazing research. Most of these you have never heard of "yet!
     1. Stem cell research     A.  OSIRIS Theraputics
                                           B.  Neostem INC
                                           C.  FIBROCELL SCIENCE
                                           D.  CYTORI THERAPUTICS
                                           E.  CELGENE CORPORATION
                                           F.  AASTROM BIO INC
                                           G. ADVANCED CELL TECHNOLOGY

     2. Molecular Biology     A.  NEURALSTEM

     3. Immunotherapy         A.  CELLDEX THERAPUTICS
         for Cancer                 B.  IMMUNOCELLULAR THERAPUTICS

     4. Genetic Research      A.  COMPLETE GENOMICS

     These are just examples of some  of the companies in each category, as there are many more. The point is that we are moving away from the 'chemical model' of treating disease and moving light years ahead to targeting specific cells or repairing damaged cells or growing new cells to help cure or reduce the symptoms of a disease.
     Genetics is moving so fast that before long you will know how likely you are to come down with a particular diease or condition and at what age. They will also be able to possible slow aging as they discover what cellular changes occur to make cells age and why some people die so much younger than others do. They can already tell if you have abnormal genes that may make you eliminate drugs slower than another person or transmit serotonin slower in your brain possibly putting you at greater risk of depression etc.
    Much of the mystery of the human body and our own thoughts and feelings may someday be shown to be the result of a different set of chemical and molecular processes that we have very little control over.

                  Joke for the Day!!!!   Why did the ham go to see the doctor???

                                                     ( To see if he could be cured!!!!!!!!!!!)

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